The Mohr's CSA is an interactive tool. Changing views from stress state to Mohr's Circle presentation by just tapping on screen creates unique way to solve problems very quickly. Calculation results can be also viewed on a formula sheet. This app is an essential for students and practicing engineers.
For 2D Mohr's Circle representation, two different optional engineering design sign conventions (SC1 or SC2), which have been referred to in most of the textbooks, can be applied.
Recent update:
Compatibility update for coming iOS (15+) versions.
Capabilities of Mohr’s CSA:
-Changes views from stress state to Mohr's Circle presentation by tapping on screen.
-2D Mohr's Circle Stress Analysis.
-3D Mohr's Circle Stress Analysis.
-2D transformations on Mohr's Circle and Stress State View.
-Optional sign conventions.
-Shows calculations on formula sheet
-Multiple sharing options including airport transfer, can open its pdf export file on other available applications (i.e. pdf editors).
-Saves and restores input data.
-Calculates mathematical functions in entries automatically.
-Special keypad for entering formulas.
-Responsive entry field: Entry field background color turns to red color in case of unpaired parentheses and turns to green color once parentheses are paired again.
For more suggestions, bugs&problems: