Engineering 8D for iPad is prepared for quick and easy engineering documentation. Main purpose of these apps are educational, enabling materials for structured thinking in problem solving. It can be also used for different purposes including incident reporting, quick delivery of preliminary data for urgent meetings, preparing a team list or actions list.
Reporting Capabilities:
Content of full report can be changed by settings buttons.
Each section has also its own specific report buttons.
1) Engineering notice w/ image editing capabilities.
2) Team managing table.
3) 5W2H and Ishikawa Cause-Effect Diagrams.
4) Root cause analysis reporting, 5 why analysis diagram.
5) Containment, corrective and preventive actions in one organised table.
6) Preventing recurrence, review similar systems/process table.
7) Reviewing documents table.
8) Recognition team efforts.
Users can install and save their project specific logos or pictures by tapping on logo picture in notification report.
Any previously entered record in a table can be retrieved to "entry field" by selecting that row. Once selected, changes can be saved or added as a new record by using buttons in entry field.
Any previously prepared projects can be duplicated.
Help content is given in settings tab of each project.
For suggestions, ideas, bugs&problems: