"After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.” Nelson Mandela
Gear Design
Gear Design application is useful designing involute gears from scratch. Users can generate STL data of designed gears and can transfer this data on export files very easily.
Users can save and load layout parameters of designed gears at any time.
Tooth bending strength analysis calculator is included with multiple sharing options, including a pdf file.
Gear Design also includes a CAD interface in front end where users can investigate designed gears visually with their finger gestures (zoom, rotate, twist etc.).
For suggestions, bugs&problems:
Mechanical Design and Analysis
An appBook on Mechanical Design and Analysis containing genuine calculators. First Edition (v1.01 macOS)
Mechanical Design and Analysis Tool is developed for students and practicing engineers for improving their skills and comprehension.
Mohr's Circle Stress Analysis
-Stress state to Mohr's Circle presentation by tapping on screen at any instant.
-2D Mohr's Circle Stress Analysis.
-3D Mohr's Circle Stress Analysis.
-2D transformations on Mohr's Circle and Stress State View.
-Optional sign conventions.
-Shows calculations on formula sheet
-Multiple sharing options including airport transfer, can open its pdf export file on other available applications (i.e. pdf editors).
-Saves and restores input data.
Goodman Fatigue Analysis Diagram, is prepared for fatigue strength analysis.
Calculations can be carried with either “residual stress method” or “nominal mean stress method”.
Goodman Diagram constructed automatically once all parameter are entered and intersection points are calculated and given on diagram for judgement.
Bolted Joint Analysis gives a force diagram and result of its simple calculations for a clamped system under axial external loads. It also gives basic terminology and information to have a better visibility of subjects.
Embedded calculator has a unique keypad design that enables calculating and converting at the same time.
All actions are carried on chatting style front end. All previous entries in calculator can be retrieved by pressing avatars.
- A scientific calculator
- A unit converter
Working Titles:
- Improvements in pdf making and handling (completed v1.01).
- iPad version and iCloud integration
- New Chapters (Springs, Leaf Springs, Rivets, Shafts, Composites …)
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Bolted Joint Analysis
Bolted Joint Analysis for iPad is an educational tool that shows how design changes will affect on clamped system characteristics. Bolted Joint Analysis gives a force diagram and result of its simple calculations for a clamped system under axial external loads. It also gives basic terminology and information to have a better visibility of subject problems.
Bolted Joint Analysis is now available on AppStore! !!
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Engine LD
Engine Layout Definitions for iPhone and iPod touch shows how layout changes in an internal combustion engine piston-crank system will affect its engine displacement, its power and dynamic forces.
Any change on engine layout parameters are calculated and reflected on sketches and graphes dynamically which makes this app a comprehensive tool that makes hard concepts be understood.
Engine LD gives graphical plots and lists for displacement volume vs crank angle data and dynamic forces vs crank angle data to support further spreadsheet calculations and basic finite element calculations.
Recent Update :
- Minor improvements for iOS 15+.
For suggestions, bugs&problems:
Mohr’s Circle Stress Analysis
The Mohr's CSA is an interactive tool. Changing views from stress state to Mohr's Circle presentation by just tapping on screen creates unique way to solve problems very quickly. Calculation results can be also viewed on a formula sheet. This app is an essential for students and practicing engineers.
For 2D Mohr's Circle representation, two different optional engineering design sign conventions (SC1 or SC2), which have been referred to in most of the textbooks, can be applied.
Recent update:
Compatibility update for coming iOS (15+) versions.
Capabilities of Mohr’s CSA:
-Changes views from stress state to Mohr's Circle presentation by tapping on screen.
-2D Mohr's Circle Stress Analysis.
-3D Mohr's Circle Stress Analysis.
-2D transformations on Mohr's Circle and Stress State View.
-Optional sign conventions.
-Shows calculations on formula sheet
-Multiple sharing options including airport transfer, can open its pdf export file on other available applications (i.e. pdf editors).
-Saves and restores input data.
-Calculates mathematical functions in entries automatically.
-Special keypad for entering formulas.
-Responsive entry field: Entry field background color turns to red color in case of unpaired parentheses and turns to green color once parentheses are paired again.
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Goodman FAD
Goodman FAD, Goodman Fatigue Analysis Diagram, is prepared for engineers and students to solve fatigue strength problems easily.
Fatigue, or metal fatigue, is the failure of a component as a result of cyclic stress. When the component is to be designed for infinite life, the endurance limit becomes the criteria of failure. Goodman FAD calculations can be carried with either “residual stress method” or “nominal mean stress method”.
Goodman Diagram constructed automatically once all parameter are entered. Critical points are calculated and given on diagram and judgement belongs to the user based on these points.
Users can save and load basic diagram parameters.
Recent update v1.72:
Compatibility update for coming iOS (15+) versions.
For suggestions, bugs&problems:
Engineering FMEA
Engineering FMEA for iPad is a new application prepared for quick and easy engineering documentation. Main purpose of the application is educational, enabling structured thinking in engineering problems. It can be also used for different purposes including FMEA reporting, quick delivery of preliminary data for urgent meetings, selecting a team or following corrective actions etc.
A sample FMEA with tutorial content is included at the first installation (clean install is required).
Reporting Capabilities:
Content of full report can be changed by settings buttons.
Each section has also its own specific report buttons.
Users can install and save their project specific logo pictures by tapping on logo picture in notification page.
1) Pre-work report with a editable photo.
2) Team managing table.
3) FMEA table for design or process FMEAs. Severity, occurrence and detection scale descriptions automatically changing with selected type of FMEA entry. Combined design and process FMEA possible in one table.
4) Reviewing documents table.
5) Recommended (corrective) actions report.
Any previously entered record in a table can be retrieved to "entry field" by selecting that row. Once selected, changes can be saved or added as a new record by using command buttons in entry field.
Any previously prepared projects can be duplicated.
Recent update:
Compatibility update for coming iOS (15+) versions.
For suggestions, ideas, bugs&problems:
Engineering 8D
Engineering 8D for iPad is prepared for quick and easy engineering documentation. Main purpose of these apps are educational, enabling materials for structured thinking in problem solving. It can be also used for different purposes including incident reporting, quick delivery of preliminary data for urgent meetings, preparing a team list or actions list.
Reporting Capabilities:
Content of full report can be changed by settings buttons.
Each section has also its own specific report buttons.
1) Engineering notice w/ image editing capabilities.
2) Team managing table.
3) 5W2H and Ishikawa Cause-Effect Diagrams.
4) Root cause analysis reporting, 5 why analysis diagram.
5) Containment, corrective and preventive actions in one organised table.
6) Preventing recurrence, review similar systems/process table.
7) Reviewing documents table.
8) Recognition team efforts.
Users can install and save their project specific logos or pictures by tapping on logo picture in notification report.
Any previously entered record in a table can be retrieved to "entry field" by selecting that row. Once selected, changes can be saved or added as a new record by using buttons in entry field.
Any previously prepared projects can be duplicated.
Help content is given in settings tab of each project.
For suggestions, ideas, bugs&problems:
ODE Solver
In Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE), all derivatives are with respect to single independent variable, often representing time. ODE Solver solves systems of ordinary equations with initial boundary conditions with 4th order Runge Kutta Method. It plots and lists results exporting them via email.
All variables, x, u, and t, should be entered with "$" prefix and ODE Solver does the rest.
Example: Typical Pendulum
dx/dt = $u
du/dt= -pi()**2/4*sin($x)-0.1*$u
Following functions are available in ODE Solver:
+ add
- subtract
* multiply
/ divide
** power exponentiation
sqrt() - returns the square root of the passed parameter
log() - returns the base 10 log of the passed parameter
ln() - returns the base e log of the passed parameter
exp() - returns e raised to the power of the passed parameter
The trigonometric functions:
dtor() - converts the passed parameter from degrees to radians
rtod() - converts the passed parameter from radians to degrees
sin(), cos(), tan()
Their inverses (asin, acos, atan)
Their reciprocals (csc, sec, cotan)
The reciprocals of the inverses (acsc, asec, acotan)
The hyperbolic variations of all the above functions (sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh, csch, sech, cotanh, acsch, asech, acotanh)
pi() - returns the value of π.
pi_2() - returns the value of π/2
pi_4() - returns the value of π/4
e() - returns the value of e
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Chatting Calculator
The computational powers of smartphones and tablets have made the humble pocket calculator pretty much obsolete. Chatting Calculator is extremely flexible scientific calculator armed with powerful features.
It displays all of your calculations in chat format, allowing you to quickly reference previous calculations, while editing cursor buttons allow you to go backwards and forwards, with each modification you can compare with previous results. The app includes support for unit conversions on entered formulas.
Chatting Calculator has the graphing mode, which allows users to draw up to two equations on screen. Graphed data can be exported in a cvs file.
Chatting Calculator has a unique keypad design that enables calculate and convert (C&C) at the same time.
Recent update:
Compatibility update for coming iOS (15+) versions.
- Special keypad suitable for engineering calculations.
- Copying and pasting any previous entry or result by just tapping on its avatar. Pressing any avatar copies its equation entry or calculation result (depending on which is pressed) to input field.
- Cursor arrows enables editing pasted entries.
- Recognizing entries with errors and raising warnings.
- Written equations can be used with unit converter.
- Entry field background color turns to red colour in case of unpaired parentheses and turns to green color once parentheses are paired again.
For suggestions, ideas, bugs&problems: